Where can I find the manual and IFU?
downloads for manual, IFU and cleaning instructions.
Which types/brand of trocars can I use in combination with Mofixx?
Only dedicated Mofixx trocars can be used in combination with the Mofixx system
Which sizes Mofixx trocars are available?
At this moment Mofixx trocars are available in the following sizes:
- Z1101-1300 Trocar Short Ø 10 mm; length under Mofixx ball 67 mm
- Z1101-1400 Trocar Short Ø 10 mm; length under Mofixx ball 98 mm
Which instruments can be used in combination with Mofixx?
All Ø 10 mm minimally invasive surgery instruments (e.g. endoscopes, clamps, graspers) can be usedin combination with Mofixx trocars. For safety reasons we advise to only use blunt instruments when Mofixx trocars are used in combination with Mofixx system
Can Mofixx trocars be used without using the Mofixx system?
Yes, Mofixx trocars function as an entry port for minimally invasive instruments, comparable to general available trocars in the market.
Is a cleaning/sterilization instruction available for the ball clamp
See for cleaning, disinfection and sterilization instructions